Gift & Loyalty Card Program

Grow your customer base.

Gift & loyalty cards are the best way to reward your best customers and to attract new customers you’ve never met.

  • Extremely low processing cost
  • Custom designs available with your logo
  • Increases your average ticket size
  • Increases your sales volume
  • Makes your holiday season more profitable

Make it easy for your customers to pay. Gift & loyalty cards add another payment option that goes right to your bottom line!

Expand your brand with our Gift & Loyalty Card Program.

How Does It Work?
Gift Cards
  • Choose a standard or custom layout design
  • Order an initial quantity
  • Sell gift cards through your credit card machine
  • Redeem them exactly the same way.
Loyalty Cards
  • Choose a standard or custom layout design
  • Order an initial quantity
  • Design a custom reward program for purchases
  • Redeem through your credit card machine
When we switched our processing, we were concerned that our gift card program would get lost in the shuffle. But PayProTec was able to import all of our loyal clientele into the new program. We didn’t miss a beat.

Catherine Backman
Irving’s Sporting Goods

We wanted to implement a gift & loyalty card system to establish our brand in the minds of our customers. PayProTec’s program proved to be really inexpensive to start and extremely easy to customize with our logo.

Philip Adams
Harvest Foods

PayProTec’s gift & loyalty program proved to be a big hit with our customers. The elegantly customized gift cards displayed at checkout provide ample oppportunity to promt customers to think of us at gift time.

Susan Totten
La Petite Boulangerie

Frequently Asked Questions
What are gift and loyalty cards?
  • Gift cards are stored value debit cards that can be redeemed only at your store location.
  • Loyalty cards are stored value debit cards deisgned to promote repeat business by linking rewards and incentives to in-store purchases.
What are the benefits of gift & loyalty cards?

Gift and Loyalty cards will become your new best friend!

  • Gift cards increase the volume of ongoing purchases and the average purchase amount by putting money in the hands of potential customers. They are the perfect vehicle for allowing existing customers to recommend your business to others.
  • Loyalty cards give your existing customers reasons to shop at your store and not somewhere else.
How do I get set up?

Simply pick the style of card you want to personalize with your business name (whether standard design or custom) from choices we’ll supply you. Within 3 to 5 business days you’ll receive the marketing materials from us, and we’ll configure your point of sale device to recognize and load value on the cards.

Do I have to switch my processing?

Technically, no. However, we recommend you consider upgrading your equipment with our free PayAnywhere Smart Terminal A920. We’ll meet or beat your current rates, and your new equipment will arrive with the Gift and Loyaly card program already activated and installed.

Let’s Get Started
1(800) 875-4918

Call us at 1-800-875-4918